As summer is coming to a close I am looking forward to a cooler fall, football, and projects that are geered for the holidays. I am starting to look for ideas that translate into gifts that can be done with minimal cost and time. We are in the middle of our Monsoon season so these dark wet days make me long for cooler weather. I am still waiting for a good electrical storm to light up the sky that I can watch from my balcony. We did get these dark clouds and good amount of rain.
Curried Rice Salad
I made this salad for dinner today. I added chicken so I could serve it as an entre. The recipe came from this site. ( Definitely one I will make again.
Booties and Leg Warmers
The WIP’s that I have been working on have all needed some frogging. The perfectionist in me has made it difficult in letting mistakes slide. If it isn’t a dye lot change in floss, a slip-up in seed stitch to garter stitch or skipped stitches on the baby blanket I would be much further along with these projects. All in all I have enjoyed them and got a lot accomplished when I was relegated to the downstairs. This is what I have done for the last couple of weeks along with reading the last two novels by Daniel Silva.
Sevrine's First Day of School
I have felt like I have blinders on these last few weeks. Problems and stress have made it harder to look beyond the day to day survival. I have been watching Sevrine sense she is back from Utah. Last week she started school and I get a bit of a break during the day. Another problem that blindsided us was the upstairs AC going out. This took a few days to get repaired so in the mean time I lived downstairs. I was relieved to have the cool house back and to sleep in my own bed. Ric is doing well with work and settling into a routine. Much like Marissa did to her dad, Ric calls me on his commute home from work and I here the details of his day.
Your knitted treasures are beautiful. The progress you are making on your stitched sampler is amazing. I tend to work on smaller items so I finish them quickly but I am tempted to start a larger sampler.
The curried rice salad looks delicious. I'll have to check that out. I'm always looking for something a little bit different.
If you could send some of that rain towards NE Oklahoma there's a lot of folks here that would appreciate it.
Wow you've stitched a lot on your ABECEDAIRE... well done
Loved the leg warmers for little legs and the baby cardi.
You have been busy.
Chris x
Oh Gayle--you stay so busy--always thinking of how to be rpoe productive and kind!
The salad looks awesome, and I'm going to go to that website right now.
I love that little sweater--but they're all beautiful, as usual. Your talent always makes me feel good!
I just found your nlog and have enjoyed reading past posts. Your sampler is stunning. The salad looks good. I will try that website. I noticed that you and I have the same reading material. i love a good mystery.
I love the baby make me want to learn how to knit.
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